What is Pincode performance?
Our Pincode performance indicator will help you to get Pincode data and track the number of returns and deliveries. You can also check the performance of your Pincode and benefit from the data by using it in your marketing strategy.
This feature is available on your iThink Logistics dashboard, and we will explain how to navigate it effortlessly.
How to Navigate to Pincode Performance?
- To reach or navigate the Pincode Performance feature, log in to the iThink Logistics Account / Dashboard.
- Open the browser
- Enter the web page link of iThink Logistics: https://my.ithinklogistics.com/login in the browser.
- Enter the given credentials on the displayed login page.
- Click on Login.
- After successfully logging in, you can now view the iThink Logistics dashboard on the screen.
- You can see a menu bar on the dashboard at the top left corner.
- Click on the menu bar, and a drop-down will appear.
- Now, under Insight, click on the Pincode performance.
- Once you've chosen the Pincode performance option, you can review each performance and analyse it based on logistics performance related to RTO and delivered RTO.
Overview of the delivered and RTO pin codes
- Check the pin code from the list to analyse its performance.
- Once you have seen the overview performance, let's move on to the filters to understand it.
What are the filters used to analyze the Pincode performance?
You can filter out any Pincode using the multiple options as a seller. The options are:
- Date
- Payment Mode
- Select State &
- Select City.
You can refer to the image below:
Let's know the filters and their use in detail.
- Date filter: Click on the date filter and select any given date, by doing this you (seller) can filter out the pin-codes. With the date picker filter, you can check or filter the data for a particular date.
- Payment Mode: Since you provide your customer with different payment options to ease it, you (the seller) can select the payment mode, like prepaid or COD, by clicking on the Payment Mode filter. The system will then display the data based on the payment mode selected.
- Select State: You (the seller) can also select one or multiple states to filter out the pin codes. You need to click on the Select State filter and select a particular state you want.
- Select City: You can select cities from the list by state selection. Once you have selected a state, you can filter out the Pincode by clicking the Select City Filter and choosing any city from that state.
After learning about the filters, we will now understand the total carrier performance.
What does the Total Carrier Performance offer us to check?
You can measure carrier performance with the right metrics. This ensures that you're getting the best spending value and helps identify opportunities for improvement based on the data. The carrier performance table will help determine which carriers best suit your business.
As you look at your total carrier performance, here's what you can view in the above image:
The total count of the parcels (delivered)
- Delivered parcel counts, i.e. the number of parcels delivered to the origin.
- RTO count (i.e. number of parcels Returned to origin)
- RTO counts and delivers data for each logistics, as shown in the performance table above.
- Let us look at the example: Delhivery Logistics has 214 orders in 80.1%; 25 orders were delivered in 11.7% and 1 RTO in 0.5%.
- After checking the Total Carrier Performance, we shall proceed with the Performance Map.
What is a Performance Map?
When you look at a performance map, you will visualise and optimise all the relevant logistic processes efficiently. Here, you can view the parcel ratio count through logistics, highlighted in different colour codes.
Next in the line is to understand and analyze Pincode Performance
How to analyze Pincode Performance?
To begin with, logistics performance is compared using Pincode through the performance analysis table. In the table below, you can view the delivered and RTO parcel count for any particular Pincode logistics, which will help you choose the better option. For example, check Xpressbess for Pincode 110007, 0 parcels delivered, and 0 RTO.
While analyzing pincode performance, you can use the iThink Search pincode feature, provided below. This search option allows you to search for the Pincode. Then, you can Export the Pincode performance report by clicking on the export option on the right of the Search Pincode bar. After you click Export, all your data will be exported or transferred in Excel format.
Note: Pincodes are listed courier-wise to make report analysing easy!
You now understand the Pincode Performance Analysis Table.
Check the Top Delivered Pincode:
After viewing the top-delivered pin code table, you can view the most delivered parcels under the Pincode part.
For example, check the 400067 Pincode for Mumbai city and the delivered parcel for the respective pin code and city. Lastly, you can export a report of top-delivered pin codes by clicking the export button.
As you just saw in the Top Delivered Pincode Table, similarly, next are the top RTO pincodes.
Check the Top RTO Pincodes
- Refer to the RTO pincode table below to check the most RTO or return to the origin pincode. Here, you can see most of the RTO parcels under Pincode.
- For example, check the 400067 pin code for Mumbai city and the RTO parcel for the respective pin code and city. There, you can see the number of parcels RTO and RTO-related percentages.
- Lastly, you can export a report of the top RTO Pincode in an Excel sheet by clicking on the Export button.
- Pro tip: Stay updated with the percentage of undelivered orders the courier company returns.
- This was all about the Pincode Performance.
- Our new Pincode performance feature will help you analyse and take the new steps in action.
- As you celebrate your top-performing pin codes, check those with more returns to identify the problem and convert it to performing ones. This guide has covered everything about our new feature, but if you have a query, reach out to us, and our team will be happy to assist.
- Let us know if the Pincode performance data will help you to get a better conversion rate.